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Creative Snapshot: Accidental Inspiration

I was at a wedding a few weeks ago. I grabbed a Polaroid camera to snap a picture of some guests and accidentally took this photo of the floor! Ooops, what a waste! Expensive film, everyone waiting on me to figure it out. A fleeting mistake to be sure. But then upon further reflection, once all the photos were taken and laid on the table side by side this one stood out to me. It was unique, compelling, somehow holding the energy of the moment. Accidental beauty right there!

And then I held onto it, tucked it away in my purse and it kept speaking to me…"Rachel isn’t this what we often strive for in our own creative expressions and dare I say life?!" Authenticity, energy, strength of voice. It's true, increasingly, I crave simplicity. I want to trim away all of the excess and be a little more like this image.Unapologetic, in the moment, enough. And then as life goes, one inspiration led to another... This little accidental photo has inspired me to capture more tiny moments and expressions. To take away all the planning, control, filters, algorithm blah blah blah and instead share a little more authentically and let that be enough. So here we go! I offer you #1 in my Creative Snapshot Series, a weekly snippet of creativity, insight, and some authenticity from my life. My intention is to keep sharing these Snapshots with you each Friday (or at the very least most ;) in the weeks to come and invite you to express along with me.)

Creative Invitation: Accidental Inspiration 

Look back through your camera roll and find an accidental photo. Or if you like, think about a moment of serendipity or recent misadventure in your life. What’s there that’s asking to be looked at more? What do you see in this image or situation that holds greater meaning? Write a brief poem, sketch a quick image, or journal its significance.

If you feel compelled to share your expression and insight with me you can do so on social media tag me @rachelrose_workshopmuse or email me! I always read but I may not be able to reply.  Until next week… enjoy the accidents of life and keep your ear and heart open to what they may be teaching you. 



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