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Make & Meditate

Make & Meditate


What does it mean to live a good life?


In this session of 'Make and Meditate' we will be exploring what it means to you personally to "live a good life." With all the competing perspectives on how we "should"live along with the noise of everyday life it can be easy to live in default mode. Take this time to explore what matters most to you, how you define it, when you know that you are experiencing it and how you can deepen your commitment to it. 


Use your creative expression to define what the good life is for you!


August 17 

10:00-12:00 Mountain time 

A recording will be made available after the live session.

Check your time zone here 


Each session is a standalone experience where I will guide you through a creative odyssey of sorts. Our process will aim to help you focus on and discover what the most urgent call is for you right now and support you to use your presence and creative expression to get clarity. Come prepared to mediate, journal, make art, talk, and move.

You will need:

  • Paper & Pen/Pencil
  • 2-3 Sheets of Art Quality Paper
  • Colour Medium of your choice (paint, pastel etc.)
  • Collage Materials (glue stick/scrap paper)
  • Space to gently move


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