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Creative Courage

Creative Courage


A 12 week one-on -one coaching/ Personal Exploration program

to help you find courage & Clarity in your life. Creativity, Coaching, & Reflection made for you.


Looking for a way to relax and unwind? Join us for a free art wellness class! Workshop Muse classes are designed to help you tap your creative side while also relaxing and mindfulness. Whether you're an experienced artist or beginner, Workshop Muse classes are open to all skill levels. Take a break from busy schedule and join us for a free guest class today!



Are you looking to tap into your creativity to help you find courage in some area of your life? The Creative Courage program is here to help! Maybe you are looking for courage to make changes in relationships, at work, or to face your own anxiety? This custom program utilizes a blend of one-on-one sessions and at home creative/reflective assignments. Together Rachel will work with you in this 12-week program to help you identify a goal and provide you with resources and creative invitations to help you uncover your courage and gain new insight. Sign up for Creative Courage  today and start a creative journey toward insight and bravery.


What’s included in the Creative Courage Package?


  • Initial 60 minute one-on one session to help you identify your unique goals & needs.
  • A 12-week Personalized Program offering Creative Invitation’s, Journal Prompts, & Resources to help you explore your unique courage journey.
  • A 60 minute one-on one mid point check in, to help you harvest insights & ensure you are on track.
  • A 60 minute final one-on-one session to celebrate, name successes, and make a plan moving forwards.



What’s expected of me?


  • You will need to be able to meet online via zoom 3 times over the 12 week period.
  • Once your personal plan has been shared you should expect to devote 1-2 hours a week toward completing your creative invitations, journaling exercises, and supportive resources.
  • No skill required! Just a willingness to use creativity to look at a challenge or change you are seeking in your life.


What sorts of topics are suitable for Creative Courage?


  • This is a coaching program meant to blend discussion, creative experiences, guided reflection and at times traditional learning to help you find courage in an area of your life!
  • You may wish to find courage in relationships (parenting, intimacy, family, work etc.) or perhaps you would like to find courage in life skills such as setting boundaries, following your values or finding presence. You may also wish to find courage to face challenges such as anxiety, stress, or emotional needs. Rachel will work with you to help you get clear on a goal that will help you find courage and approach your own unique needs.
  • Please note! This is not a substitute for professional mental health support. The tools, support, and guidance offered through Workshop Muse are meant to support personal growth and reflection, not act as therapy or counselling. Please seek professional mental health support for proper diagnosis, treatment, and advice.
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